Window Cleaners

Windows Cleaners

We offer professional window cleaning services at excellent rates, across the Paphos region.
Contact us for a quote or an appointment.

Chris Phillips Tel: +357 95573142

Price range for once per month visits, our prices start from:
Small Bungalows: 20-30 Euros
Large Bungalows: 30-40 Euros
Small Two storey houses: 25-35 Euros
Large Two storey houses: 35-45 Euros
Small Three storey houses: 35-45 Euros
Large Three storey houses: 40-50 Euros
1 bedroom Apartments: 20-25 Euros
2 bedroom Apartments: 25-30 Euros
3 bedroom Apartments: 30-35 Euros
4 bedroom Apartments: 35-40 Euros

The prices above are a guide, they usually include cleaning the frames as well, we will give a firm quote upon visiting the premises for the first time.

Our prices may vary according to the number of windows on the property and the frequency of our visits. Also if the windows are cleaned both sides, or just outside.

We are environmentally friendly, therefore we use the Eco friendly products, minimising detergent, chemicals and water use wherever possible.

***Special offers for our property management clients and holiday villa owners***.

We offer a top quality service and cater for residential and business premises.

Our tradesmen are safety and security conscious, courteous, and duly respect your privacy.
We do hold public liability insurance.

We work by appointment and confirm our attendance in good time, we will let you know when we will be at the premises.

As well as our standard window cleaning packages we also offer ladder work.

We are also happy to clean solar panels, fly screens and shutters. (additional cost)

Contact us for further details.

Chris Phillips - Pure Water Window Cleaning & Solar Panels  Tel: +357 95573142

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