Cyprus Climate, Weather, Sunrise, Sunset and Coptic Storms.
Month | Sunrise | Sunset |
January | 6:55 | 17:00 |
February | 6:35 | 17:30 |
March | 6:00 | 17:55 |
April | 6:15 | 19:20 |
May | 5:45 | 19:45 |
June | 5:30 | 20:00 |
July | 5:45 | 20.00 |
August | 6:05 | 19:35 |
September | 6:30 | 18:55 |
October | 6:50 | 18:15 |
November | 6:20 | 16:45 |
December | 6:45 | 16:35 |
The average daytime temperature from June to September is 32C, from December to February 16 C and from March to May and October to November 25C. Paphos area is often 2C cooler in summer time and 2C warmer in winter time, compared to other major towns in Cyprus.
Each year in Cyprus the following Coptic storms and winds occur.
The probability of occurrence is high (+/- tolerance of 2 days).
Each Gale has been named and its most likely due date estimated.
The storm durations are approximations, underpinned by regular historical reoccurrence.
Gales imply strong winds, but historical data shows they can fail on occasion.
The direction of the storm or wind are generally South-West to West or North West.
The origin of the Coptic Storms and Winds guide is said to be over 3000 years old.
The ancient world of Egypt is behind us, but the weather patterns are still here.
Date Due | Arabic Description | Type or Name | Wind Direction | Likely Duration |
January 11th | El Fadrel Saggra | Light Gale | SOUTH | 2-3 DAYS |
January 19th | El Fedra El Kibirain | Feeder Gale | WEST | 4-5 DAYS |
January 27th | El Fedra El Kibirain | Feeder Gale | WEST | 2-3 DAYS |
February 18th | El Fedra El Kibirain | Feeder Gale | NORTH-WEST | 4-5 DAYS |
March 10th | El Hossom | Equinox Bringer Gale | SOUTH-WEST | 7-8 DAYS |
March 20th | El Shams El Kabira | Big Sun Gale | EAST | 2-3 DAYS |
March 25th | Hawa | Wind Gale | EAST | 1 DAYS |
April 29th | Khaseen | Sand Wind Gale | EAST | 2-3 DAYS |
July 16th | El Nogia | Black Wind Gale | EAST | 2-3 DAYS |
September 27th | El Saleeb | Cross Gale | WEST | 2-3 DAYS |
October 21st | El Saleebish | Crusade Gale | WEST | 2-3 DAYS |
November 26th | El Micness | Broom Gale | WEST | 2-3 DAYS |
December 6th | Kassim | Gale | SOUTH-WEST | 6-7 DAYS |
December 20th | El Fadrel Saggra | Light Gale | SOUTH-WEST | 1 DAY |