The Letter Post Service covers conventional mail
Letters with a maximum weight of 2KG
Printed Papers with a maximum weight of 5KG
Small Packets with a maximum weight of 2KG
Books, newspapers and periodicals with a maximum weight of 5KG
Literature for the blind with a maximum weight of 7KG
Special bags for printed Papers with a maximum weight of 30KG
Letter boxes should be easily accessible for the postman and be a maximum of 4 meters from the access point to the property
The Parcel Post Service covers the transportation of commercial samples and merchandise which, due to weight and size can not be sent by letter mail
Special Cyprus mail yellow boxes are available for sending fragile parcels such as glass, there are four sizes available at all post office counters
Datapost items (Letters/Parcels etc), are treated separately from other postal items and are sent to the countries of destination in special dispatches. They are cleared from customs immediately (top priority for items containing merchandise) and are delivered by special messengers within 24 hours after arrival or 48 hours in exceptional cases.
Other postal services:
Registered Items: Letter post items and local parcels may be sent registered.
A receipt is issued to the sender of a registered item at the time of posting.
Advice of delivery (AR): The sender of a registered or an insured item may apply for an advice of delivery at the time of posting.
The advice of delivery signed by the addressee shall be returned to the sender proving that the item was delivered.
Insured Items: Letter post items and parcels with valuable contents may be mailed as insured items.
The insured value should not exceed the actual value as declared by the sender.
Inquiries: Inquiries are accepted for registered and insured items within a period of one year from the day of posting.
Express Items: These should bear the red label "Express" and are treated with priority at the time of delivery.
Poste Restante: This service is offered only to travellers and to persons with no permanent residence.
Redirection of Postal Items: If an addressee changes his address, letter post items may be redirected to the new address for a period up to three months according to the applicant's request.
Withdrawal from the Post. Alteration or correction of address: The sender of a letter-post item may have it withdrawn from the Post or have its address altered or corrected as long as the item has not been delivered to the addressee.
Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.): The Post Office undertakes the collection of the value of contents of an item on behalf of the sender.
Stamp vending machines are installed at all District Post Offices for 24 hours service.
Franking Machines In cases of mailing a large volume of items, the senders may use franking machines against payment of the postage rates after obtaining a licence from the Director of the Department of Postal Services.
Post Office Boxes Post office boxes are installed at District and sub-post offices in Cyprus. Holders of private post office boxes may collect their correspondence on a 24 hour basis
International Reply Coupons International Reply Coupons are exchangeable for one or more postage stamps representing the minimum postage repayable of an air mail letter sent abroad.
More details can be obtained from the various Post Offices or by dialling (22) 805 800, (25) 802 254, (24) 802 600 and (26) 940 223