1. Users are requested:
(a) To use suitable and durable envelopes adapted to their contents
(b) To affix the postage stamps on the front upper right-hand side comer of the envelope
(c) To write legibly the name and full address of the recipient on the front side of the envelope
(d) To write on the upper left-hand side corner or on the reverse side of the envelope the name and full address of the sender
(e) To write on their mail in front of the place of destination the respective Post code number
2. Letters: Printed Papers, Literature for the blind and Small Packets.
Maximum: Length, width and depth combined: 900 mm but the greatest dimension may not exceed 600 mm with a tolerance of 2 mm.
In roll form: Length plus twice the diameter, 1040 mm but the greatest dimension may not exceed 900 mm with a tolerance of 2 mm.
Minimum: to have a surface measuring not less than 90 X 140 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm.
In roll form: Length plus twice the diameter: 170 mm but the greatest dimension may not be less than 100 mm.
Maximum: 125 X 235 mm., with a tolerance of 2 mm.
Minimum: 90 X 140 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm.
Length: At least equal to the width multiplied by 2 (approximate value 1.4)
To calculate the correct charge for your items, please use the postal rate calculator at the following link - link
More details can be obtained from the various Post Offices or by dialing (22) 805 800, (25) 802 254, (24) 802 600 and (26) 940 223